I'm trying to use CabExtract from cabutil.h (WiX v3.9) but I always get hr
== 0x80070003 (The system cannot find the path specified).

My code is equivalent to the following:

hr = CabInitialize(false);

hr = PathCreateTempDirectory(NULL, L"extract", 1, &tempDir);

hr = PathConcat(tempDir, L"file.cab", &cabPath);

hr = StrAllocString(&extractDir, tempDir, 0):

hr = PathBackslashTerminate(&extractDir);

hr = CabExtract(cabPath, L"*", extractDir, NULL, NULL, 0);


I see the paths I expect to see when I log cabPath and extrtactDir:

cabPath = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\extract\file.cab
extractDir = C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\extract\

I'm at a loss because I can't figure out what CabExtract is failing to find.

Am I doing something obviously wrong?

Any suggestions as to how I might go about finding out what CabExtract is
actually complaining about?

Edwin G. Castro
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