Steven Faulkner wrote:
The the W3C HTML working group is currently debating the usefulness of
 HTML 5: The Markup Language vs HTML 5
A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML as normative documents for web developers
to use as a reference point in their work.

Just to clarify the purpose of The Markup Spec, and to make the feedback from this discussion more useful, I'd like to provide a little background about the work going on within the WG that affects web developers. There are two other documents being worked on within the HTML WG specifically targeted at web developers.

The Web Developer's Guide to HTML 5, which is being drafted by myself, intends to describe the vocabulary and scripting APIs in clear and simple language, without resorting to formal grammars like DTDs or Relax NG schemas, and to explain how to use the language and syntax. The structure is more like a reference guide, rather than step-by-step tutorial.

A different type of document was begun recently and is being drafted by Dan Connolly. This document is intended to be more of a step-by-step, cookbook-style guide to writing pages using HTML5, with a big focus on the multimedia aspects. e.g. It will provide things like:

* How to embed a video within a page and provide customised controls using the DOM API, * How to indicate the completion status of a web application using a progress bar.
* How to markup images with captions
* etc.

It currently in a very early stage of development and hasn't yet been published as an editors draft and so isn't available to see yet. Although you can review DanC's emails where he has provided an outline.

On the other hand, HTML5: The Markup Language, which Steve referred to, is a document that describes just the HTML vocabulary and the conforming syntax primarily using Relax NG and incorporating some conformance statements directly from the HTML5 spec. The Relax NG schemas come from the code used by the HTML5 validator, So the document itself, IMHO, seems to be optimised for tool developers that have a real use for such schemas, rather than web developers who just want to be able to know how to write HTML5.

Finally, the main HTML5 spec contains the full language spec and implementation details and conformance requirements.

As web developers, you'll mostly be interested in the following sections, which are the main ones that deal with the HTML vocabulary and syntax.

Note that the WHATWG and W3C versions of the spec are identical in all the important ways, but the WHATWG has a multipage version that the W3C doesn't. But for those, like me, who like the single page version, we have that too.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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