I want to set text field to "željko".

ie.text_field(:index, 1).set("željko")

But, Watir sets it to "§eljko", "Ĺľeljko" or just "eljko" or some other
string (depending if I try from irb, or file that is saved in different

I have saved file as utf-8 and this to the top added

require "win32ole"
WIN32OLE.codepage = WIN32OLE::CP_UTF8

I have tried

I have tried adding this to the top of the file.

$KCODE = 'utf8'
require 'jcode'

I am reading threads from this list and searching Internet for utf-8 and
Ruby, but no luck for now. I just wonder if anybody has solved this?
Zeljko Filipin
Wtr-general mailing list

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