Ian Hickson wrote:
On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Dean Edridge wrote:
Perhaps you should suggest to the XHTML 2 working group (private, not open to the public)

Actually the XHTML2 working group is as open as the HTML working group. Anyone can join.


Thanks for putting me straight there Ian.
I did actually try to join the XHTML 2 group the other day but must have gone through the wrong process and ended up with this message:
Only AC Representative, selected Invited Experts and Staff Contacts can use this form to join or leave a group ; since you're not logged as any of those, you won't be allowed to submit this form. Additional instructions for joining this group <http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/32107/instructions> are available.
I will attempt joining again and see how I go.


Dean Edridge

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