Hi guys

For a while now I've been wondering if the HTML WG needs a separate email address (mailing list) for the HTML5 authoring guide that Lachlan has been working on. The HTML5 authoring guide will be quite a large document when finished and I'm sure there will be lots of email discussion during it's development, so having a separate list makes good sense IMHO. I have often wanted to send in feedback but haven't because I didn't want to annoy the 400 members of the HTML WG by posting to public-html as often comments are for just minor typos or suggestions. Also, people often complain about the amount of emails coming through on public-html so if there was a separate mailing list for the authoring guide it would help to keep down the traffic on public-html. I also think that having a separate list would encourage discussion about the authoring guide.

I noticed that the [author-guide] prefix has been used in the subject line before when sending author guide related emails to public-html before, but I don't think it's that satisfactory because the whole group still gets the emails.

Here are some possible addresses that could be used:



Dean Edridge

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