A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2020/02/06 13:45
Browser     : Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 
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Old Revision: 
New Revision: 
Edit Summary: Typo, spelling and capitalization fixes in libssh section.
User        : ionic

@@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
 == Configuration ==
Open a terminal window. Crucially, this must **not** be a ''Cygwin'' instance. - Make sure that the mingw toolchain that was used to build Qt (and will be used to build X2Go CLient later on) is part of the %PATH% variable. On the X2Go Windows Builder, a session spawned via ''cmd.exe'' typically fulfils this requirement. Additionally, use the same ''zlib'' version for building both ''Qt''
and ''libssh''.
+ Make sure that the MinGW toolchain that was used to build Qt (and will be 
used to build X2Go CLient later on) is part of the %PATH% variable. On the X2Go 
Windows Builder, a session spawned via ''cmd.exe'' typically fulfills this 
requirement. Additionally, use the same ''zlib'' version for building both 
''Qt'' and ''libssh''.
Go to the unpacked source directory: <code>D:; cd Build\libssh\libssh-...</code> Create and switch to a build subdirectory: <code>mkdir build; cd build</code>
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
<note>''(dll).a'' files can be static libraries that are being used as "DLL import libraries" on Windows. They do not actually contain the library contents but a mechanism for loading the shared DLL files at run time. This differs from the UNIX concept of the linker automatically generating (unresolved) symbols and ignoring them (if an eventual symbol scanning suceeds) that are automatically resolved at run time. - As such, it is impotant to
keep these static DLL import libraries around on Windows, even if library is supposed 
to be used in a dynamically-linked fashion.</note>
+ As such, it is important to keep these static DLL import libraries around on 
Windows, even if library is supposed to be used in a dynamically-linked 
Library files:

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