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Date        : 2020/09/18 19:23
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Edit Summary: [Event Schedule] Stream has ended
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 <note important>We will be using a Jitsi session for the presentations. The 
session will be live-streamed to YouTube, so please follow the presentation on 
YouTube to keep the load on our Jitsi server down. Links to both the Jitsi server and 
the YouTube livestream will be linked above, some time between 17:00h-18:00h
 For Q&A, we will try to take questions via Jitsi, but also via YouTube chat 
and possibly IRC - we'll see how that
goes. :-)
- Jitsi room (for presenters and for asking questions after each presentation): https://meet.jit.si/X2GoTheGathering2020
+ Jitsi room (for presenters and for asking questions after each presentation): 
Session has ended
- Livestream can be found at: https://youtu.be/hdiqi9sND3s (third new link, sorry, our stream stopped unexpectedly - again)
+ Livestream can be found at: Session has ended - Recordings will be made 
available within the next few days.
** Friday is a purely virtual event ** ^Time Slot ^ Topic ^ Speaker / Moderator ^

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