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Date        : 2020/11/05 18:21
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:development:gitlab
Edit Summary: User : danger89

@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
 ====== GitLab server ======
Within X2Go we are running a GitLab server (currently work in process). - GitLab is a DevOps tool that not only include git repositories, but also issue tracking, wiki, pull requests and continuous integration & delivery pipelines (CI/CD). You are using the open-source version. + GitLab is a DevOps tool that not only include git repositories, but also issue tracking, wiki, pull requests and continuous integration & delivery pipelines (CI/CD). + + We are using the open-source
(FOSS) version.
**URL:** [[https://gitlab.x2go.org/]]

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