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Date        : 2021/01/04 15:28
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New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/wiki:advanced:tce:install
Edit Summary: [X2Go TCE / Debian squeeze/wheezy/jessie] User : ncryer

@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
   * X2Go server (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
   * optional: a separate X2Go PXE server (Debian or Ubuntu)
   * X2Go Thin Client hardware (can be everything from e.g. Pentium III, AMD 
Athlon upwards), main requirement is that the thin client hardware box contains 
a network card that is PXE/Etherboot capable
- ===== X2Go TCE / Debian squeeze/wheezy/jessie =====
+ ===== X2Go TCE / Debian squeeze/wheezy/jessie/bullseye =====
<note>The current X2Go TCE can be based on and has been tested against Debian 
GNU/Linux (squeeze, wheezy and jessie). Since June 2011 we have working packages available 
in our Debian repository on ''packages.x2go.org''. The latest test against Debian jessie 
have been performed around Nov 2013.</note>
+ <note>The current X2Go TCE can be based on and has been tested against Debian 
GNU/Linux (squeeze, wheezy, jessie and bullseye). Since June 2011 we have working packages 
available in our Debian repository on ''packages.x2go.org''. The latest test against Debian 
jessie have been performed around Nov 2013.</note>
In the following description we will describe a simple X2Go TCE installation, using two separate hosts as X2Go Server and X2Go PXE Server. The explanation presumes that you either install on Debian GNU/Linux or Ubuntu GNU/Linux. If you (for testing purposes) use the same machine as X2Go Server and X2Go PXE Server, please perform described steps for either of the machines on the same system. The resulting X2Go Thin Client chroot will be a Debian GNU/Linux (wheezy) system by default.

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