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New Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:faq:start
Date of New Revision: 2021/12/21 04:04
Edit Summary        : Make it more explicit it's about PulseAudio
User                : danger89

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@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
  ==== Why is there no sound using Linux? ====
- Probably because the server does not listen to client connections. Check 
whether the file ''/etc/pulse/default.pa'' on the client contains the line:
+ Assuming PulseAudio daemon is up and running. Probably because the PulseAudio 
server does not listen to client connections. Check whether the file 
''/etc/pulse/default.pa'' on the client contains the line:
  load-module module-native-protocol-tcp auth-cookie=".pulse-cookie"
  If not, add it. Alternatively you can load the module at runtime:

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