Hi George,

On 15/12/16 04:54, George Dunlap wrote:
On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 8:05 PM, Julien Grall <julien.gr...@arm.com> wrote:
Note that ARM does not provide any hardware instruction to translate
an IPA (guest physical address) to a PA. So we have a walker there.

We also a walk for debugging guest page table (though only when it is
using LPAE). I guess it could be re-used in the case where it is not
possible to do it in hardware. Although, it would be rewritten to make
it safe.

This sounds like the kind of thing which would be generally useful,
although I'd like to understand the problem better before making

memaccess will restrict permission of certain memory regions in stage-2 page
table. For the purpose of the example, lets say read-access as been

One of these memory regions may contain the stage-1 page table. Do you agree
that the guest will not able to read stage-1 page table due the restriction?

But only if the memory is read-protected, right?  If a guest PT
(stage-1) has read permission but not write permission, the hardware
walker should still work, shouldn't it?

Good question, ARMv8.1 is adding support of hardware management for the access flag and dirty state (see chapter B4 in DDI0557A.b). So if the hardware has to update the page table entry it would need write permission.

I have looked at the pseudo code for the address translation in both ARMv8.0 and ARMv8.1.

ARMv8.0 does not need to update the table entry in hardware, looking at the AArch64.CheckS2Permission pseudo-code (see J1-5290 in ARM DDI 0486A.k_iss10775), the hardware walk will check whether stage-2 as read permission during Stage 1 page table walk (s2fs1walk variable is to true).

For ARMv8.1, after spending a couple of hours reading the pseudo-code (see E.1.2.5 in DDI0557A.b) my understanding is the hardware walker may need to update the entry (see AArch64.CheckAndUpdateDescriptor). This is depending on who has triggered the walker (e.g address translation instruction, instruction fetch, memory access...). In the case of address translation instruction (AccType_AT) no hardware update will be done.

So to answer your question, the address translation instruction only need read access. So the issue mentioned would only happen when the memory is read-protected.

Reading the pseudo-code reminded me a potential upcoming error with memaccess. I mentioned it a couple of months ago (see [1] and the KVM counterpart [2]) on the ML. Stage-2 permission fault during stage-1 walk, the syndrome field WnR (Write not Read) will report whether the abort was caused by a write instruction or read instruction. And not whether the hardware walker was reading or writing the page table entry. This is pretty obvious with the new pseudo-code for AArch64.CheckPermission in the spec (see J1-5290 in ARM DDI 0486A.k_iss10775).

I think that a guest having stage-1 page table protected in stage-2 could be stuck forever faulting and retrying a write instruction because memaccess would receive the wrong fault (i.e write fault instead of read).


[1] https://lists.xenproject.org/archives/html/xen-devel/2016-10/msg00228.html [2] https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/pipermail/kvmarm/2016-September/021925.html

Julien Grall

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