On 12/15/16 5:20 PM, Ronald Rojas wrote:
> Create a basic Makefile to build and install libxenlight Golang
> bindings.  Also add a template.
> ---
> Eventually this patch will contain the actual bindings package; for
> now it just includes a stub package.

So I'm curious why the interest to include Golang bindings in the tree.
Most people are going to expect a Go package to behave like any other go
package and be able to grab it with "go get". But by including this in
the tree I believe that method will not work.

I say this because when I finally get around to making Rust bindings for
Xen, I have no plan to include them in the tree but instead publish them
at crates.io so that they work like every other Rust package.

Doug Goldstein

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