On 15/12/16 19:41, Dario Faggioli wrote:
> On Thu, 2016-12-08 at 11:38 +0100, Juergen Gross wrote:
>> So you really solved the following problem in credit2?
>> You have three domains with 2 vcpus each and different weights. Run
>> them
>> on 3 physical cpus with following pinning:
>> dom1: pcpu 1 and 2
>> dom2: pcpu 2 and 3
>> dom3: pcpu 1 and 3
>> How do you decide which vcpu to run on which pcpu for how long?
> Ok, back to this (sorry, a bit later than how I'd hoped). So, I tried
> to think a bit at the described scenario, but could not figure out what
> you are hinting at.
> There are missing pieces of information, such as what the vcpus do, and
> what exactly are the weights (besides than being different).
> Therefore, I decided to put together a quick eperiment. I've created
> the domains, sat up all their vcpus to run cpu-hog tasks, picked up a
> configuration of my choice for the weights, and run them under both
> Credit1 and Credit2.
> It's a very simple tests, but it will hopefully be helpful in
> understanding the situation better.
> Here's the result.
> On Credit1, equal weigths, unpinned (i.e., plenty of pCPUs available):
>  NAME  CPU(%) [1]
>  vm1   199.9
>  vm2   199.9
>  vm3   199.9
> Pinning as you suggest (i.e., to 3 pCPUs):
>  NAME  CPU(%) [2]
>  vm1   149.0
>  vm2    66.2
>  vm3    84.8
> Changing the weights:
>  Name  ID Weight  Cap [3]
>  vm1   8    256    0
>  vm2   9    512    0
>  vm3   6   1024    0
>  NAME  CPU(%)
>  vm1   100.0
>  vm2   100.0
>  vm3   100.0
> So, here in Credit1, things are ok when there's no pinning in place [1]. As 
> soon as we pin, _even_without_ touching the weights [2], things become 
> *crazy*. In fact, there's absolutely no reason why CPU% numbers would look 
> like how they look in [2].
> This does not surprise me much, though. Credit1's load balancer basically 
> moves vcpus around in a pseudo random fashion, and having to enforce pinning 
> constraints make things even more unpredictable.
> Then it comes the amusing part. At this point, I wonder if I haven't done 
> something wrong in setting up the experiments... Because things really looks 
> too funny. :-O
> In fact, for some reasons, changing the weights as shown [3] cause CPU% 
> numbers to fluctuate a bit (not visible above) and then to stabilize at 100%. 
> That may look like an improvement, but certainly does not reflect the chosen 
> set of weights.
> So, I'd say you were right. Or, actually, things are even worse than what you 
> said: in Credit1, it's not only that pinning and weights does not play well 
> together, it's that even pinning alone works pretty bad.

I'd say: With credit1 pinning should be rather explicit in one of the
following ways:

- a vcpu should be pinned to only 1 pcpu, or
- a group of vcpus should be pinned to a group of pcpus no other
  vcpu is allowed to run on (cpupools seem to be the better choice
  in this case)

> Now, on Credit2, equal weigths, unpinned (i.e., plenty of pCPUs
> available):
>  NAME  CPU(%) [4]
>  vm1   199.9
>  vm2   199.9
>  vm3   199.9
> Pinning as you suggest (i.e., to 3 pCPUs):
>  NAME  CPU(%) [5]
>  vm1   100.0
>  vm2   100.1
>  vm3   100.0
> Changing the weights:
>  Name  ID Weight [6]
>  vm1   2    256
>  vm2   3    512
>  vm3   6   1024
>  NAME  CPU(%)
>  vm1    44.1
>  vm2    87.2
>  vm3   168.7
> Which looks nearly *perfect* to me. :-)

_Really_ impressive!

> In fact, with no constraints [4], each VM gets the 200% share it's
> asking for.
> When only 3 pCPUs can be used, by means of pinning [5], each VM gets
> its fair share of 100%.
> When setting up weights in such a way that vm2 should get 2x CPU time
> than vm1 and vm3 should get 2x CPU time than vm2 [6], things looks,
> well, exactly like that! :-P
> So, since I did not fully understand the problem, I'm not sure whether
> this really answers your question, but it look to me like it actually
> could! :-D
> For sure, it puts Credit2 in rather a good light :-P.



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