/ Andy Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
| > <!DOCTYPE test [
| > <!ELEMENT a (b+)>
| > <!ELEMENT b (#PCDATA)>
| > ]>
| > <a>test<b/> <b/>this! 4 or 5?</a>
| <!ELEMENT a (#PCDATA|b)*>

Huh? I guess I wasn't clear. I explicitly constructed a document
that was well-formed but not valid. My question comments had to do
with "ignorable" whitespace in a non-validating parse.

The non-validating parser might think that <a> had element content
and imagine that it could throw whitespace away. But it would be

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | The shortness of life can neither
http://nwalsh.com/                 | dissuade us from its pleasures,
                                   | nor console us for its
                                   | pains.--Vauvenargues

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