On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:06:02PM +0530, R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar wrote:
> On Saturday 25 December 2010 03:27 PM, Philip Taylor (Webmaster,
> Ret'd) wrote:
> >OK, then I suspect that Khaled and Ross have already
> >identified the root cause of the problem (see below);
> >what happens if you (a) comment out the reference to
> >Asana Math,
> The result when \usepackage{Asana Math} is commented out is shown in
> non-asana-crop.pdf which is attached. The vinculum is present, but π
> is missing.
> When I replaced
> \usepackage{Asana Math}
> with another otf maths font via
> \usepackage{XITS Math}
> the result was the same as with Asana Math. So, it is not otf
> maths-font-specific.

Both fonts are OpenType math fonts, so unless it is a font bug it is
unlikely that there will be any difference.

> >and (b) (a separate test) replace it
> >by a reference to a maths font that you have in
> >a format other than OpenType ?
> In this case, I need to load the euler maths font before fontspec to
> avoid a warning. With this file:
> \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{euler}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{unicode-math}

Currently, loading unicode-math without setting a math font (with
\setmathfont) is guaranteed *not* to work and you are unlikely to get
much useful output if not frank errors.

> \begin{document}
> \thispagestyle{empty}
> $\frac{2\pi r}{r} = 2\pi$
> \end{document}
> I get the output shown in euler-frac-crop.pdf which is also
> attached. Again, the vinculum is present, but π is missing.
> If I comment out \usepackage{unicode-math} above, I get the correct
> output as shown in euler-correct-crop.pdf.
> My guess is that, as suggested by James Cloos, the problem resides
> in the unicode-math package for 64-bit machines when compiled with
> xelatex.

It is related to xetex (xelatex) the engine and not much with
unicode-math package itself (AFAIK).


 Khaled Hosny
 Arabic localiser and member of Arabeyes.org team
 Free font developer

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