libXi 1.4.4 comes with two memory fixes that can cause crashes in clients.
Commit "Handle unknown device classes" can only be triggered when libXi
1.4.x runs against the git X server. If the XIQueryDevice() reply contained
classes unknown to libXi, we didn't allocate memory for these classes and
ended up overwriting valid ones.

Commit "Fix duplicate sizeof in copy_classes" fixes a typo, instead of 
malloc(X * sizeof(Y)) the code called malloc(sizeof(X * sizeof(Y))). This
could lead to memory corruption.

Peter Hutterer (8):
      man: Fix formatting in XGetFeedbackControl
      man: fix typo in XIQueryDevice man page
      Handle unknown device classes.
      man: fix #include for XIGrabButton
      man: XIGrabButton returns error codes, not status codes
      man: passive grabs return the number of failed modifier combinations
      Fix duplicate sizeof in copy_classes
      libXi 1.4.4

git tag: libXi-1.4.4
MD5:  299f36c6d6a586ab33aa5c1d97d93078  libXi-1.4.4.tar.bz2
SHA1: e4ca1b45368214ba246bfad398ea087125c79f31  libXi-1.4.4.tar.bz2
SHA256: 939b25914d86496885b41b9e99969757ceed38c0e54e66a3993a269286ab5881  
MD5:  155d57405739a2ec95519116c11c8ee0  libXi-1.4.4.tar.gz
SHA1: 72d99a4164b008232632d845a5afa8caecb9f733  libXi-1.4.4.tar.gz
SHA256: bfb1cf00567a5a9bc2bd98b06bf77c33d18c48da9a62f2b413979803208384f9  

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