
I am sorry for asking on the list such a question, but how one makes
sure GEM is used? I'll explain in more details:
vanilla linux-2.6.28-rc3
EXA acceleration

When I try running glx app on this setup I get 'Cannot use TTM' error,
so after googling I've found out that TTM support is disabled in
mesa>=7.1. Apparently the system should make use of GEM since it is
present in both kernel and video driver, but for some reason it does
not and I end with SLOW glx visuals(~10x performance drop).

My question is how I check and possibly enable GEM in my OpenGL stack?
Thank you in advance.

PS: dmesg and xorg.log are of no help

Protas Oleksiy
National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy"
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Ukraine
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