Hi everyone,

I have received confirmation from the FOSDEM organisers that we will 
once again have a devroom at FOSDEM. I have no idea about the roomsize 
yet, but given the impressive showings in the last events, i'm sure we 
will be one of the bigger DevRooms again. I also have no idea yet how 
many breathing holes the room will have this year, but i'm sure that the 
ventilation system will be given extra attention this year :)

In any case, we are go for FOSDEM!

* General information:

Date: 7th and 8th of February 2009.


(then stuff which most of us will know already ...)

FOSDEM is the single most significant European Free Software event, 
drawing in developers from all over the world but especially from 
europe. Attendance numbers are never known exactly, but i think the 
guesstimate last year was 5000. FOSDEM always takes place on some 
weekend in february, on the weekend 7th and 8th this year, at a campus 
of the Universite Libre de Bruxelles in Brussels, Belgium, Europe. 
Brussels is a nice and central location that is easy to reach by car, 
train and plane, and Brussels offers excellent accomodation and is both 
a touristic and gastronomical hotspot. FOSDEM itself is easy to reach 
from the center of Brussels by public transportation; just follow the 
stream of geeks, or check out the travel information on the fosdem 

Xorg will have a DevRoom there for the 4th year running, and we are one 
of the biggest and one of the most densely populated (and hottest) 
DevRooms there. Even though there is a large contingent of X developers 
present there, this room is open to everyone.

Attendance is free for everybody, you just have to take care of 
transportation and accomodation :)

* Call for DevRoom Speakers:

We have _at_ _most_ 13 talks slots. I have no idea what the deadline for 
the schedule for the brochure is yet, but the sooner i have a full 
schedule, the better. I know that many things can still change in 2 
months, but attendance is noticably higher when the talk is listed in 
the brochure.

What is provided in the devroom for you:
* electricity.
* wired network at the speakers table and hopefully working wireless 
(which tends to be very solid these last few years).
* projector and a VGA cable.
* a highly interested and very friendly crowd.
* your name, talk title, and brief explanation printed in the FOSDEM 
* your talk kindly recorded by Michael Larabel and posted on 

What is expected of you:
* a talk.
* which can be very in-depth and very technical.
* about a subject related to X.org.
* which is less than an hour, preferably around 45 minutes, but if you 
only want to talk for 15 then that's ok as well.
* and a title and a brief explanation about the talk, fast, so that it 
can be put up on the wiki and that the FOSDEM people can include it in 
their brochure :)

If you have any special requirements; maybe you would like your talk at 
a certain time due to jetlag, maybe you need some extra equipment (like 
a PC or a TFT), please tell me this as well so that this can be taken 
care of.

So, everybody, please mark the weekend of the 7th and 8th of February in 
your calendars, and start looking into travel options while they are 
still cheap :)

Thanks, and hope to hear from you soon.

Luc Verhaegen.
xorg mailing list

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