2009/1/10 Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>:
> Beso wrote:
>> 2009/1/10 Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>:
>>> Rémi Cardona wrote:
>>>> Le 10/01/2009 05:45, Alan Coopersmith a écrit :
>>>>> The big change in 1.4.0 is the move of the OS-specific mouse handling code
>>>>> from the Xorg server to the mouse driver.   This code was removed from the
>>>>> Xorg server in the Xorg 1.6 development cycle, so users of non-evdev 
>>>>> systems
>>>>> (i.e. non-Linux or pre-evdev Linux) will need this version of the mouse 
>>>>> driver
>>>>> to run with Xorg 1.6.
>>> It was moved to the module because the server never calls it
>>> directly - only the mouse module does, and if you're using another driver,
>>> like evdev or void, then the code is never called at all.
>> i'm confused: if the code is never called by the server or evdev
>> what's the reason for
>> evdev to need it to run with 1.6 as you've stated in the previous mail?
> Read it again - I wrote "users of *non*-evdev systems...will need this".
> i.e. I need it for my Solaris packages, and the BSD folks will need it,
> but common modern Linux distros could just delete the mouse module altogether
> if they're ready to go evdev-only.   (If you do ship the mouse module at all
> with Xorg 1.6, you'll need this to avoid dlopen errors on the mouse module
> of not being able to find the xf86OSMouseInit function that moved from the
> server to the module.)
sorry to have bothered you... :-(
it seems that for today i've had enough time in front of the monitor
with oracle and i need a pause.

i was curious just about another thing: is or will ever be there a
project for an evdev port
on solaris and opensolaris? i think that evdev is one of that drivers
that worth porting if there is
the possibility.

dott. ing. beso
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