On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Peter Hutterer
<peter.hutte...@who-t.net> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 09:34:38AM -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
>> On Thu, 26 Nov 2009 09:19:52 -0500
>> Tom Horsley wrote:
>> > That might be the very thing! There is even a fedora package
>> > for it. I'm off to crank it up and see if I can get it
>> > to work they way I want. Thanks!
>> Unfortunately, just like gnome-mouse-properties, there is
>> nothing in this tool that will handle the button mapping or
>> drag lock changes I want :-(.
> As with much of input, we've been in a transitional phase for the last years
> to turn from the old static system into a more flexible and dynamic one. X
> is on the bottom of the stack, so any change needs to be reflected in the
> upper layers - and they're not necessarily there yet.
> We're slowly catching up, but not as quick as some would like us and many
> options are still not exposed - drag lock being one example.
> So here's the cardhouse:
> As you said, the single xorg.conf file isn't really suited to evdev (or the
> other way round). The input system is now aimed at per-device, per-session
> (runtime) configuration. Static configuration is possible, but discouraged.
> You can dop keys into the HAL configuration, but that'll go away eventually
> with udev.
> The best proposal for static configuration were Dan's xorg.conf.d patches
> but I don't know how much they have progressed in the last months. Maybe Dan
> can comment on that?

Just finished it yesterday (been too busy), and it seems to work
correctly. I'll post it shortly.

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