On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 4:28 AM, Brian Parma wrote:
> I've had this problem for a while, and I've finally got motivated enough to
> sub to the mailing list and post about it.

Don't hesitate to file bugs :)

In Ubuntu, use "ubuntu-bug xserver-xorg-video-savage" to report these
issues. If you have the exact same issue on two machines, and they
have different card models, run ubuntu-bug on one of them to create
the bug report and apport-collect <bug-number> on the other to attach
its debug information to the same report.

Attach the backtrace as well, if it is not included in one of the
automatically added attachments.

> I have some mobile computers that are running Ubuntu (one is 10.04, one is
> 10.10).  In both cases, if the 'Activate screensaver when computer is idle'
> option is enabled in Screensaver Preferences, as soon as it activates the X
> server crashes.  The selected screensaver makes no difference (it's usually
> on 'blank screen').
> Is there any workarounds? (besides disabling screensaver)

This looks like a bug that should be fixed, not worked around.

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