On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 03:03:26AM +0400, Ivan Afonichev wrote:
> I don't see any usage of calibration options MaxX MinX MaxY MinY in
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-elographics/tree/src/xf86Elo.c
> after this commit
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-input-elographics/commit/src/xf86Elo.c?id=447f547fbb7d11ec56ea578292908192175b3828

IIRC this function hasn't been called by the driver since server 1.4 or 1.5,
so it's likely this has been broken since around 2008. no reason it can't
be fixed but it's unlikely since the driver is barely maintained as it is.
we generally recommend using a kernel driver and then evtest on top.

> Also my elographics(GeneralTouch) device are shown as [floating slave] in
> xinput list. When I xinput reattach it, it acts as not calibrated.

This would suggest a configuration issue, you probably have CoreEvents off.

> I think we should add something like
> int width = priv->max_x - priv->min_x;
> int height = priv->max_y - priv->min_y;
> cur_x = (priv->screen_width * (cur_x - priv->min_x)) / width;
> cur_y = (priv->screen_height -
> (priv->screen_height * (cur_y - priv->min_y)) / height);
> in xf86EloReadInput(InputInfoPtr pInfo)
> or use xf86ScaleAxis()
> or use correct screen and max/min values in this stuff
>       /* I will map coordinates myself */
>       InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 0,
>                              axis_labels[0],
>                              -1, -1,
>                              9500,
>                              0     /* min_res */,
>                              9500  /* max_res */,
>                              Absolute);
>       InitValuatorAxisStruct(dev, 1,
>                              axis_labels[1],
>                              -1, -1,
>                              10500,
>                              0     /* min_res */,
>                              10500 /* max_res */,
>                              Absolute);
> I'am going to try first way soon.

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