Hi Andreas,

Thank you for taking your time to reply. I've since followed up
having found the problem, and I think it must be one of the DP ports
on the graphics card.

Now, you write:

> Perhaps unthinkable, but the connectors of the card might be
> implemented / wired up asymmetrically, e.g. due to an ickily
> varying length of traces, or EMI issues.

This leads me to believe that the connector hardware itself could be
at fault. Seriously, is DP *that* finicky and subject to connection
failures? I'd have thought that it being 2016, the industry would
have finally gotten the hang of it, especially after screwing up
HDMI so badly.


@martinkrafft | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
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                                                       -- miss piggy
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