On 7 December 2017 at 05:45, Hi-Angel <hiangel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 6 December 2017 at 15:25, Vladimir Dergachev <volo...@mindspring.com> 
> wrote:
>> Keep in mind that Xorg will show memory usage from mapping graphics memory..
>> which could be large on your card.
>> Also, are you using CUDA ?
> I don't think Matrox provides CUDA functional.
> @Ewen, by the way, this mail pushed me to another thought the leak
> could possibly be in userspace driver — Matrox doesn't seem to use
> Mesa, so I know basically nothing about them. I tried googling a bit,
> and barely the first link is this
> https://www.centos.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=57699 "Xorg Memory Leak
> with Matrox G200eR2".
> So yes, it is very well possible the leak not because of XServer, but
> rather bug in Matrox's driver. In this case upgrading Xorg won't help,
> you need to get support from Matrox.

…and you can actually check whether it is true by following the same
steps as the author of the forum post ↑ I.e. by blacklisting the
driver, and checking if the problem fixed in software rendering.
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