Hey there,

On my Thinkpad T490, something is keeping the display awake such that XScreensaver will not lock the machine, and DPMS will never let the screen turn off.

There are lots of suspects, with the trackpad, the nipple, and a Lenovo wireless keyboard&mouse attached. However, even after I unplug the wireless receiver, and disable the trackpad and nipple with `xinput disable …`, the machine will *not* rest.

I've ruled out that this is a problem with XScreensaver. I mean, maybe it is, but after I lock it manually, it just keeps interrupting with the password prompt, as if e.g. the mouse was moved or a key pressed.

At this stage I am wondering what tool there's availeble to me that could shed some light on this. I've tried `xev`, but there are no events whatsoever.

I'd appreciate any hints!!


@martinkrafft | https://matrix.to/#/#madduck:madduck.net
a friend is someone with whom
you can dare to be yourself
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