1) layer priority, currently it has:
       BBFILE_PRIORITY_gplv2 = "1"
   which is lower than oe-core with:
       BBFILE_PRIORITY_core = "5"
   so in order to use recipes from meta-gplv2 layer, user has to add
   couple PREFERRED_VERSIONS. Was this intended use for meta-gplv2?
   I can see some advantages of this (that the layer can be included
   without immediate side effects), but on the other hand why would
   anyone include this layer if he isn't deeply scared from (L)GPLv3
   versions sneaking into the build?
   In our local builds I'm bumping the priority to 6 to resolve this.
   Alternatively we can add some conf/distro/gplv2-versions.inc file
   in meta-gplv2 so that people who want to use all available recipes
   in gplv2 compatible version can include it in their DISTRO.

2) branch for morty, currently the recipes aren't compatible with morty
   but with e.g. gnutls version added there it might be better option
   to share the gplv2 work there even when oe-core/morty contains most
   of these recipes as well.
   The recipes I had to modify to be compatible with morty are:
   88d1052 coreutils: make it compatible with Yocto 2.2 Morty
   5e08ac2 rsync: make it compatible with Yocto 2.2 Morty
   b33037f libiconv: make it compatible with Yocto 2.2 Morty

Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com

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