To summarize this a bit, below is what I think what I heard so far.
Feel free to respond further, I'll move this over into the ticket
later once we have consensus.


- General preference to keep packages in individual repositories
  hosted inside a new GitHub organization "zeek-packages".

- Management through a meta-package that lists lists all desired
  packages as dependencies. The meta-package can version content by
  pinning packages to blessed versions.

- Tie these meta-packages to the current Zeek releases. To take this a
  bit further:

    - I imagine this means that we'll have three meta-packages at any
      point of time: "zeek-packages-current", "zeek-packages-lts", and
      "zeek-package-devel". When a new release comes out, these rotate

    - People can install packages for older (now unsupported) Zeek
      versions by picking a older version of the corresponding

    - The Zeek distribution can either download the current version of
      the meta package on install; or even just include the full
      content somehow (also see "zkg" below).

- Testing
    - Need to make tests standalone and less dependent on Zeek versions.

    - Should make standard btest infrastructure available to tests
      (e.g., Zeek's btest helpers, pcaps).

    - Provide integration tests that execute across the full set of

- Development
    - Make it it easy to work multiple packages at once (e.g., to
      update baseline; get all dependencies in place)

- Documentation
    - Use Zeekygen to document the full content of a meta package at
      once; can host either on or

    - Make it easy to autogen docs for individual packages (ideas:
      GitHub Pages through Vlad's cookie-cutter; autogen on

- zkg:
    - Distinguish standard/recommended packages from others.
    - Could we add a way to "prime" zkg's package cache so that a Zeek
      distribution could distribute a snapshot of "zeek-packages" for
      direct use; but zkg would still pull in updates if online access
      is available?
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