This is a rather confusing post. I'm not sure what you're trying to say with it.

Is Python 2.5 officially supported? No. We never said it was.

Does Zope 3.4 actually work on Python 2.5.1? Yes, it works just fine for me and others. For example, Grok runs on Python 2.5.1 no problem [1].

Is this a platform issue? Maybe, but your post isn't giving *any* useful information for tracking this down. All you're basically saying is that you were "experimenting with several things all at once" and that that was a bad idea. You certainly got that right.

I hope the rest isn't taken for FUD. I certainly encourage people to try out Zope 3.4 on Python 2.5 and report any problems *properly* so that we can chase down the bugs.


Jim Washington wrote:
For now, anyway.  There is work going on, but it is not ready yet.

Well, it was an interesting experiment, and I thought I would write it
up for the group.

Gentoo recently made 2.5 the system default python.  I have been a
couple of days trying to track down why things had broken.  Yes, I know
-- system default python is bad, but I compile it all (it's Gentoo!), so
the UCS2 vs UCS4 thing is not a problem, etc., etc.

Anyway, I turned out to be experimenting with several things all at once:

1.  gcc 4.2.0

2.  UCS4 default vs. UCS2 (has is always been this way in Gentoo?
Apparently, you can set this to UCS2 if you know what you are doing.  I
wonder how you would know that you know what you are doing?)

3.  using zopeproject instead of my own attempt at a buildout recipe
(highly recommended!  Thanks, Philipp!)

4.  Plus, what turned out to be the culprit, python2.5.1

5.  And, of course, I am using a 64-bit OS, which you cannot discount as
a possible source for things going wrong.

I was getting tracebacks that ended with



an error where UserDict does not have attribute "data".

So, if you see these errors, fret not. Zap your broken new Data.fs files
and go back to python-2.4 for your zope3 instances.

With hopes that this saves someone else some frustration,

-Jim Washington

-- -- Professional Zope documentation and training

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