"\"Geoffrey L. Wright\"
> knight writes:
>  > Timothy,
>  >
>  > Without going into too much detail, you are going to want to set up a
>  > virtual host in apache for the hostname www.isd197.k12.mn.us, and inside
>  > that virtual host you will want to add your ProxyPass lines similar to my
>  > example:
> [...]
> And just for reference, here's another working example with ProxyPass:
>   NameVirtualHost
>   <VirtualHost>
>           ServerName syslog.integritysi.com
>           ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           ProxyPass / http://vishnu.integritysi.com:8080/syslog/
>           ProxyPassReverse / http://vishnu.integritysi.com:8080/syslog/
>           ProxyPass /misc_ http://vishnu.integritysi.com:8080/misc_
>           ProxyPass /p_ http://vishnu.integritysi.com:8080/p_
>           ErrorLog logs/syslog.integritysi.com
>           TransferLog logs/syslog.integritysi.com
>   </VirtualHost>
> Good luck, and don't forget to enable the ProxyPass module.

Some remarks:

1) If you use custom product which contain images, it is useful to add
sth like

ProxyPass /Control_Panel/Products/Mycustomproduct

(otherwise you will not see the images which belong to the product - in
my case I couldn't see the product icons on management screens). Reverse
pass for this purpose is not needed.

2) ZCatalog does not work with SiteRoot. Smaller problem: the URLs
returned are incorrect (you can parse them with dtml). Greater problem:
attempt to find new items fails (the only solution I found is to remove
SiteRoot, find/update ZCatalog, add SiteRoot again).

3) You loose original IP address (you can use mod_proxy_add_forward
custom Apache module to preserve it in the custom X-Forwarded-For
header, so far I have not managed to recover original addresses in zope
log and for logging verification).

http://www.mk.w.pl /
 Marcin.Kasperski | Poradnik dla kupujących mieszkanie:               
   @softax.com.pl |   http://www.kupmieszkanie.prv.pl                 
     @bigfoot.com  \

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