Dean Hale wrote:


Apologies if this is easy to do, cannot find any help in the archives (but then again not sure what to search for)

We currently run a script on an external server which returns results depending on the userid of the user, which is added to the link below once the user logs into zope.

It works and displays what is needed, however i would like to display the results somehow within a page template rather than the user having to go elsewhere to see the results.

<a href="" tal:define="uid python:member.getProperty('uid')" tal:attributes="href string:$uid&fmt=plain";>view results</a>

Basically we would like to run above somehow but all results are returned within the same page.

This might be what the doctor ordered?


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

Phone:  +45 66 11 84 94
Mobile: +45 29 93 42 96

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