Which to bring up the point of hotels.  The Winter Music Conference
powers that be decided to book the conference @ the raddison rather than
the Fountainebleu this year.  This is an even worse location in than
last year.  The raddison is at roughly 67th and collins.  The
Fountainebleu is at 44th and collins, which I stayed at last year.  And
it was a total pain to get from there to the clubs.  You really do not
want to stay at either of these places.  Rather I would recommend
finding something south of lincoln road (22nd).

----->  Not to nitpick, but Lincoln Rd is btwn 16 & 17th

Also, I went last year and didn't bother with the actualy con pass, and
had a perfectly fine time.  It runs $275 I believe this year, and unless
you have interest in attending panels.

------> Being a longtime vet of the conference without ever having a pass, i
have to say, it really is convenient to have one as getting into a lot of events
without one is costly and a pain in the ass.  also, hotel security was rough on
those of us who didn't have one...

anyone have the word on any gigs yet? Haven't bought my plane tix yet, but
planning to...


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