I get the impression, though, that bass/booty/jeep tracks are on a fast
downhill slide.  I was kind of disappointed by what I found at Record
Time as far as recent releases.  UC and other labels that followed
Dance Mania can copy the roughness but not the wackiness, which is what
I really love about DM.  The LA labels are just sad.  Aside from
Godfather and Assault, not much of the new Detroit stuff seems to be
deviating from the narrow middle ground.  

So now we are in the latter days of bass and Simon Reynolds is making
ha-ha jokes about "intelligent bass."  Sigh.  I remember an interview
with Lenny Dee in DJ Magazine (the big slick one that is geared to
"mobile" DJs who do weddings and stuff like that, but they generally
have very good cover interviews).  They asked him about these new
trends in "intelligent dance music."

"I don't make intelligent techno," Lenny said.  "I make stupid techno!"


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