At 10:04 19-1-00 -0800, Erwin van Moll wrote:
By the way, the Cybotron CD album "clear" is still available on Fantasy records, catalogue number FCD-4537-2 through American import. Great stuff:

From the CD:
Previously released as Enter (Fantasy 9625).

R-9 is a bonustrack on the CD (imho the best track of the CD), so it's not on the vinyl-version!

But don't expect pumping electro all the way, because some of the tracks contain some wack guitar-solo's :-(
Anyway, I got my copy for 3 dutch guilders at Cash Converters!



REMINDER : You are going to die this century!

urL : -=[GeeWizz! Now with RealAudio!]=-
maiL : scout[AT]tb-303[DOT]org


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