>I just got home from there as well! He was heaps better this time than
>when he played @ dome last year, he played a much harder and danceable
>set I thought.

That night at the Dome was amazing - those lovely soulful interludes of
(hate this word's New Age connoctations but can't think of a new one)
ambience. Derrick often varies tempos and he never really plays the same
twice, that's just him. I imagine he started harder at Seven as he was
compelled to after Chuck's mutant Ninja raver techno.  

>Also it was good in a small club where you could walk right up to the
>decks and see what was going on.. though I think the constant
>handshaking etc was starting to bug him as he was on the job - plus all
>the people dancing around him waving glowsticks in his face etc... 

Hey, yes. It was just the one geezer with glowsticks though. I wouldn't want
Melbourne events like this getting a bad rep, y'all.



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