313 has always been primarily Detroit techno-oriented though, seasoned with
some Chicago house/events discussion... a separate Chicago-based "312"
house/events list would be nice, seeing as how none currently exists to my
knowledge... it would also help insure against diluting what has been
traditionally considered a Detroit-techno discussion list.  Personally I'd
think there would be a lot of support for such a list, seeing all the
discussion of Frankie Knuckles, Larry Heard, Marshall Jefferson, etc. that
has been posted as of late.

I don't subscribe to any of the other lists based on Hyperreal, but making
note of many cross-postings I have seen since joining 313, there already
seems to be a lot of existing overlap between this list and others... I
wouldn't think that would be a big issue.  Just my 2 cents.

Homepage: http://magicmattkelly.tripod.com

> I may be stretching the limits of 'what is 313' here, but IMO I've
> always felt that Chicago stuff could perfectly well be discussed on 313,
> even though strictly geographically speaking I suppose it shouldn't
> *shrug*. Most people I know are into both anyway, so I think a separate
> 312 list would overlap largely, both in topics and subscribers, with the
> current 313.

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