true. could be a lot worse though.
imagine if some company wanted to really cash in on the music/culture (and at the same time, insult it in a major way) and they came out with a detroit doll. the doll would be black, his favourite music would be "techno", his favourite hangout "the ghettos of detroit", etc. this sort of goes back to what alan was saying a few days ago about how the editors of Techno Rebels couldnt believe all these detroit artists didnt grow up in the ghetto

Had to get my $.02 in... If DJ Ken is not the commodification of DJ Culture,
I don't know what is - and _that_ is what troubles me. The BK DJs and other
"DJs for effect" are also very troubling, but DJ Ken takes the cake. I think
I had a nightmare about this last night after going to an afterhours with
all sorts of young DJs I'd never seen before.

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