Hiya folks.

I've been off list for a few days and have only just finished wading through the backlog. There's been a fair amount of trivia, but also some really important stuff being addressed, which is good.

I've been debating something in my head for a while and I'd like to open it to a more public forum as I'm sure it will cause a certain amount of division.

Progression of the music VS. body movin

Ideally I think a compromise of both would be nice, and there have certainly been examples of that it the past, but as most will recognise, innovation isn't as easy to come by these days. At a time when even Jeff Mills' new 'EP' sounds like a poor copy of his own work (IMHO), it's got me thinking more and more about whether it's good enough to just make tracks that rock the floor, and how we can get out of the loop, so to speak. Techno is rooted within dance music and as such does it have a limited lifespan in it's current form?

There is a time and a place for both as I'm sure you'll agree, but the original vision of this music is based around the idea of progression (amongst other things) - I'm interested in discussing how viable that idea is today, how the music could (should?) progress, and how the constraints of the 4/4 could stifle this.

What do you reckon?

Nick Craddock

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