I don't disagree with the assertion that there are europeans doing
innovative stuff.  I would be ignorant to overlook people like Squarepusher,
Scanner, Aphex etc.  I used the phrase "by and large" as a disclaimer.
However, I do not lump Beyer in with the aforementioned musicians.
Furthermore, I still feel that the vast majority of european dj's can be
qualified by my previous description.  This is my opinion though.  It's
based on a large degree of personal experience, but it's still just an
opinion.  I would also have to maintain that dj's can indeed be divided by
the Atlantic.  There are many notable exceptions to this rule, as there is
to any rule.  But, in general, you're dealing with different styles on
either continent.  This is the necessary result of dealing with two
different audiences who appreciate different things.  One would be hard
pressed to say that Europeans and Americans are the same after all.

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