the sunday night report said that all ravers over 18 were released unless
they had drugs on them.

there were a couple of funny things about the reports.

like fanchon singer (the "fox 2 problem solver" who broke the news) getting
so off on the whole thing, aggressively pressing the owner of the building
(studio 95 in highland park) - you would think there had _never_ been a rave
story done before, this lady was so high on her 'hard-hitting investigative
reporting' [sic]

they reported "kids as young as 13," then 10 seconds later, "as young as
14," then in the next minute "as young as 15."

and they showed a genius cop saying, "this is powder heroin, or coke, or
some drug."

and they showed a withered balloon on the ground, describing it as a balloon
for "huffing."

we got a few good peeks at raver bunnies loaded up with plastic jewelry,

as terrible ( and in many ways, humorous) as this type of reporting is, it
has become the norm.  and although lots of people tune into the nightly news
and read the newspapers, i like to hold onto some hope that deep down,
people take everything with a grain of salt.

or maybe i'm just naive.

wondering how a 14 year old kid has $35 to attend a rave in the 1st place

----- Original Message -----
From: Benjamin Cuthbert (Merch) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Shane from PLURkids' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 12:18 PM
Subject: RE: (313) Online petition at

> -The news reports are always sensationalistic and driven by ratings
> I could not agree with you more, but in my opinion, news reports like
> even though it was very sensational, can help to clean up this scene. This
> scene has been going down the shitter the past few years. Parents need to
> know where their 13-17 yr. olds are at night because they have no business
> being at raves and getting fucked up. That is what is making the scene loo
> bad. I saw the news report last night and the main focus was on underage
> kids and their "secret" life. They did not mention anything about what
> happened to the people over 18.
> So, what I want to know is why promoters do not set age limits on their
> parties. Will it affect the bottom-line that much?
> I am down with the cause and will sign the petition because there are two
> sides to every story and raves are extremely stereotyped by the media. I
> also believe, however, that there is some truth to every stereotype and
> the rave scene needs to except some responsibility and change. At this
> moment in time, I cannot think of one positive thing that the media could
> report on about raves.
> PS - I also want to know why more people do not support the Detroit's club
> scene more. While everyone was getting busted on Saturday, they missed an
> excellent bust-free night at Science.
> ben
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shane from PLURkids [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2000 10:49 AM
> To:
> Subject: (313) Online petition at
> Hi all,
>   This last weekend in Detroit it was like 1515 Broadway all over again.
> Mid-week there had been another one of those "look where your children are
> at on saturday night!" reports on the news. Of course, it was just like
> years ago - a promoter had called the news complaining of how they wanted
> "clean up the scene". Then they rented a space that they thought was
> bust-proof, and proceeded to throw a party with tight security and 500
> tickets. It backfired in their face and of course the cops arrived with
> news in tow. Multiple kids were beaten on site by the Highland Park
> and the newspeople witnessed this but did not report it.
> *sigh*
> Either way, we want to at least have a chance to speak about the things
> make rave culture special to us. The news reports are always
> sensationalistic and driven by ratings - this we grudgingly accept as the
> way it is - but it would be nice to be heard at all, even within that
> context. Please help us find a voice amongst all the yelling.
> Thanks,
> Shane
> PLURkids Productions
> Info 734.913.9672
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