(because afterglow just doesn't do it justice)

Have you ever gotten shivers down your spine, just from reading a
webpage or email? I just did, reading all the reports and articles on
the truly landmark event that was DEMF. 

Even though I could only make it for Saturday (had to fly back to the
Netherlands on Sunday), DEMF was everything I hoped for yet dared not
expect. The image that says it all really is standing on top of the
stairs at the main stage around 11pm during Stacey Pullen's set, looking
down and seeing thousands and thousands of people going ballistic to a
Detroit DJ, in Detroit. They say that prophets are never revered on
their home turf. Well, you can scratch that one now.

As someone (HP?) said to me later that night: 
"Dammit man, we pulled it off!". 

And even though neither of us were directly involved with the
organization of the festival, he was right. Yes, everyone from Carl
Craig and Pop Culture Media down to all the volunteers deserve huge,
huge respect for having the guts to organize such a festival and making
it work, but it also couldn't have happened without the people worldwide
that have supported this scene. DEMF was a tribute to all of you.

Because this is not a scene that has been created by big corporate
marketing efforts, this is a scene created and sustained by individuals.
Created by every single person that organizes a party, hosts a
radioshow, makes music, DJs, runs a label, writes for magazines and
websites or buys the records. 

This weekend it all came together, showing everyone what all of us all
over the world have created the past 15 years. I don't think that there
is anyone who is involved in the scene in any way and came to DEMF, that
did not feel a little bit proud when seeing so many people of such
diversity having such a great time. 

Those that couldn't make it can get some impression from the posts and
articles, the archived webcasts, but really, they have to see it for
themselves next year. There's no other way to fully experience what
happened last weekend. I know I will be there next year. No matter what.

A huge thank you to what I've almost come to think of as 'the 313
family' for making us Dutchies (Hans, Klaas-Jan, Pieter and myself)
again feel so extremely welcome. In random order and sincere apologies
to those I've missed: Steve (next time I'll bring records), John+Annick
from Belgium (more technotourists!), BMG, Carlos, Bill (what was the
third track of your liveset? loved it!), Mike, Nelson, Gerald, Rob
(who's probably sleeping for 48 hours straight right now), Holly, Diana,
Meighen, TP (we *will* get you over to our shores this summer!),
Tristan, Ryan and the rest of the Iowa crew, Tom, Ian&Linda (loved the
bbq! great idea! *grin*), Phred, Emanuel, Mark, John&Karie, Nate, Linda
G, Sean, Dustin, Ed Luna (very pleasant surprise!), Dave, Aaron, Omar,
Ken and Karl (sorry I missed you Iz!), Tamara, MM, Cornelius, Heath
(check out his new EPs on VMax and KMS068, v. v. nice), Adam, Nicola,
Derek 'Energy' Plaslaiko, Keith, Dan Sicko, Dan Bell, Chuck, Jon Layne
(get in touch re: gigs), Brian, Paris the Wig-Fu :) and finally a very
special thanks to Kelli for providing hospitality far above and beyond
the call of duty.


PS 430 West party: Octave One starting their live set with "I believe"
and finishing with their Jaguar remix. I rest my case.

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