I thought that their presentation was lacking. I spoke with their sales guy at 
the tent and wasn't impressed by their product. Tried the demo CD and I'm still 
not impressed. Compare that to what Technics was showcasing in the DJ Supply 
tent and the Mixman product is an overpriced toy. 

Then I thought that their representative on the DEMF stage was downright 
annoying. They definitely shouldn't have been up there, especially before 
Stacey Pullen's performance. Their DJ Who was allright, but the accompanying MC 
was obnoxious, he kept saying the same thing over and over and over:

"DJ Whooooo? DJ Whooooo!"

"Revoluuuuution! Revoluuuution!"


Now Repeat that a gazillion times and you'll get the idea.

Auuugh! Get off the stage. Maybe folks could've gotten into DJ Who's vibe if 
the MC would just shut up!!!

That was the worse thing the whole weekend.

<<phred wrote:

Was everyone as annoyed at the Mixman people as I was?  Presuming they
put big promo bucks into the festival, perhaps having what amounted to
infomercials on a couple of the stages would be unavoidable, but the
presentation was LAME.


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