While we're on that subject
Also check the Enlitejuice on Strive
very nice dahlback/krome remix

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cyclone Wehner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313 Detroit" <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: [313] Pooley's Quiet Daze?

> OK, I was a little wrong on the sequence of events leading up to my
> uncovering the true identity of Quiet Daze, but not the actual info.
> I wrote this before there was any info out there on Time: Space - so it
> have been early last year? It was done through V2, anyway. Then
> I got hold of the Time: Space promo and both read in Jockey Slut and heard
> that Quiet Daze was in fact Ian Pooley - and everything fell into place.
> Then I met Ian and told him how I loved the track. Don'tcha just love a
> little mystery!
> .... Pooley is still elated about a new EP to be released by one of the
> City's original techno labels. "I've just had the opportunity to do an EP
> Transmat, which is a great honour for me, because I've been friends with
> Derrick May for a long time. We've just exchanged a lot of music and
> records. So it's pretty cool to do this now." Pooley says that the EP
> represents something of a return to his Detroit-fertilised roots. "It's
> maybe a bit more techno-influenced, but still very warm-sounding with a
> of strings and things, so, yeah, I like it."
> Before that materialises, though, Transmat will issue a compilation with
> tracks by Pooley, A Guy Called Gerald and even some Australian cat (an
> apologetic Pooley doesn't know - or can't remember - the name)...
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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