>You could try and suspend that critical voice and just see if the DJ moves
>you - it's supposed to be a spiritual thing as much as an an intellectual
>one, after all - but if you're over critical than that intuitive response
>doesn't stand much of a chance. If the DJ still doesn't move you, then, OK,
>it ain't happening. 

I totally agree, and I'll add a couple of other factors that I believe need
to be brought into the equation: the venue and the crowd. Now when Derrick
played here (sorry for bringing this up again C.), I simply wasn't moved.
The thing is, I think the venue and the crowd (both were fairly large by
Perth standards) had quite a bit to do with this - the atmosphere just
wasn't there. Maybe Derrick felt that, maybe not. Just as a comparison, when
Claude Young played here a couple of years ago, the venue was a tiny
underground bar, to which maybe a hundred or so people turned up to - Claude
subsequently tore it up and had a great time as did everyone there. I've
read many interviews with DJs where they say how its the crowd and the
atmosphere that dictates what, and how, they play out. Any list DJs want to
add an opinion here? 

This argument however, doesn't stand up in the context of the DEMF, because
I've been getting shivers up my spine just from thinking about the
atmosphere that must have been around there. Hmmm... back to the drawing

>People say that Hawtin is technically superior to Mills but I would take
>Mills anyday just because he has that jouissance. Technique isn't

It's soul that counts.


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