Okay, there is some new stuff for you all to listen to...

Soffy O featuring Toktok
First of all Toktok are currently producing a record together with
the swedish singer Soffy O. The first preview track is online
now, the record is going to come out in June on BPitch Control.

V-Records Mix CD
Finally the long awaited V-Records Mega Mix CD is ready. 34 Tracks of
the likes of Toktok, DJ Rush, Nerk, Fabian Feyerabendt,
C14, Rotor, Robotnik and many more perfectly blended together by
Stefan Küchenmeister, resident of Stammheim and the official
Toktok DJ. 71 minutes online now!

We are proud to announce Toktoks´ remix of Mitte Karaokes´
"Diskofibel" featuring vocals of Soffy O. Mitte Karaoke is a project
DJ Feed (Hard:Edged, Exponence, alltime companion of Toktok
throughout years of intense clubbing) together with Dominick,
"Diskofibel" is due to come out on the freshly installed WMF Records
label run by the crew of the WMF club in Berlin. You can
listen to the original as well as the remix on www.v-records.de...

All mentioned tracks and info can be found on http://www.v-records.de in our
news chapter. Audio is encoded with realaudio.


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