has anyone heard the times by pooley?
it is a double lp on force inc. in a blue cover
most of the songs are weird minimal stuff (it reminds me of marionettes
or weird dolls) but there are a couple real nice songs

On Sun, 4 Jun 2000 06:21:51 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> In a message dated 4/06/00 5:04:07 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > And I wrote:
> >  >>I know the thing to do is judge the music on it's own merits, 
> but I'm 
> >  >>being honest: it's hard not to be influenced by all the stuff 
> external 
> to 
> >  >>the track: the artist, the label, the artwork, etc. All this 
> stuff sets 
> up 
> >  >>expectations before the music kicks in.
> >  
> >  And A_Zed replied:
> >  >That's a pity because you are probably limiting yourself to 
> great music 
> due 
> >  >to extraneous preconceptions.
> >  
> >  I’m human and subject to the shades of influence thrown at me 
> (most of it 
> >  intentionally thrown my way: labels and artists go to lots of 
> effort to 
> >  create an environment around the actual music, through graphic 
> design, 
> track 
> >  names, etc). Come on, don’t be holier than thou and claim you 
> can divorce 
> >  yourself entirely from all but the music, even if that should be 
> the aim. 
> >  Who hasn’t bought a record on the basis of who the artist was 
> and on what 
> >  label only to find a few listens later that the ep was actually 
> pretty 
> >  ordinary?
> Actually I was referring to your comment: 
> > "Kind of goes to show how much opinions (well, mine at least) are 
> swayed by 
> > knowledge of who the artist is, because I'm sure if I knew 
> 'November' was 
> by 
> > Pooley I wouldn't have liked it so much.
> Why would it be so that if you liked that track initially, and you 
> found out 
> it was by someone whom you would not rate it would change your view 
> of it?
> Cheers,
> A_Zed  
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