On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Christian Bloch wrote:

> mixman is a TOY!! and so is all other so called DJ software. Music can be
> made with software, but DJ'in? no FUCKIN' way

This sounds a bit like the Marsalis/Crouch argument that to produce "real"
music, you have to use real acoustic instruments.....any music produced
electronically is inauthentic, unartistic, and inhuman.  

That is, for a DJ to really produce "art" you need two (or more)
turntables, RECORDS, and a mixer.  

But there's a slippery slope here.  Hell, back in the day I thought that
anything that would modify the pitch FOR you was a cop out. USE YOUR F'ING
HANDS!!!  Part of the "art" was figuring out how to blend No Way Back with
Nude Photo....and I wasn't with some machine that would figure out how to
do it FOR me......

But with the CD Mixer this seems to have changed.  

Which brings up the question....what's the difference between a cd mixer
and a program that does the same task?


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