One more try....  With ez-wrap.  Better on the eyes..



Yeah this message was nabbed by the EZMLM because it located some
keywords..  Sorry about the big delay and sorry for posting two large
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Subject: HP's Sonar Experience
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 03:40:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Steven T Lammers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I don't think this made it on the list..



Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 06:59:59 -0400
From: Horsepower <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Full Crate Productions
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: HP's Sonar Experience

This is just as much an account of what happened musically as what
happened otherwise in my 6/13-6/20 (extended) adventure in Spain.. so if

you don’t want to read about other highlights in the city of Barcelona
it might be a little bit difficult to read.

First of all I will probably never ever come down from this, ever.  The
trip was perfect.  Tom Linder [T Linder] and I arrived in the city
without a hotel on 6/13, early Tuesday morning.  First impressions of
the terrain were complete glamour, not over the top, extremely tasteful,

and non-hassled.  Begin the introduction of my favorite exotic walking
surface--marble--everywhere.. from McDonald’s to nearly the
Mediterranean’s shores, this city is packed full of sturdy, shiny,
classy style.  So after realizing that the airport’s tourist info center

could not help us with our accommodation situation we were referred to
the other tourist center in the heart of Catalunya, or the downtown
area.  For any techno travelers or otherwise heading towards Barcelona
this service is very helpful and is located underneath the Placa itself,

downstairs from the fountain.  Basically what I what I was worried about

trying to book online was completely and quickly taken care of and not
only that we were able to stay in my #1 hotel pick--the Duques du
Bergara--which was located perfectly inbetween the money district and
the hip district, and I would recommend it to anyone, but it is really
expensive, so it’s okay that we were only able to get it for a night.
;}  After we had gotten that straightened out we took some photos from
our balcony on the sixth (top) floor and headed out, wearing t-shirts
and smiles, to the Teatro Tivoli, to buy our Stockhausen tickets.  The
theater was closed so we headed in the general direction back to the
hotel and found a retailer in the Fnac building which was sort of a
local Ticketmaster equivalent, selling tix for shows ranging from
Britney Spears to Slayer <more on this later> and ours, so we were able
to buy our 3-day Sonar passes and the tickets for the opening show by
Karlheinz S.  Another relief, good news.  Then after we caught some
dinner somewhere, I believe at a restaurant off the main drag, La
Rambla, we were on another search for CD Drome--the #2 store listed in
Rotator Locator for Barcelona..  We found it and many other things later

around the corner.  The store was opening in 45 minutes so we walked up
& around a few streets and found the Centre de Cultural Contemporary de
Barcelona (CCCB) where the daytime events were going to fly.  We were
getting excited just seeing an empty tent surrounded by big gothic halls

and a large modern-looking structure where the village was inside.  It
started to rain so we took shelter under an atrium and waited it out for

CD Drome.  It was just about done when we went back to the store.
Inside bins were neatly organized into Detroit, Chicago, Cologne,
Downtempo, Experimental, Techno, and Kreisel.  ;>  I can now say thanks
to this store I am now only missing 1 out of 52 7"s in the series.  ;>
..Anbody got another #30?  ;>  I also got a CD that I had to get because

it was beautiful by a group called Black Box Recorder that they were
playing in the store the whole time.  The CD is called The Facts Of Life

and I recommend it to everyone highly into the female ethereal vocal pop

thing like Slowdive or Cocteau Twins.  Wrong list?  Probably.  ;)  I
also got the new Reinhard Voigt CD on Profan which is completely ambient

and about 30 or so records.  Stuff by J Burger the Modernist that I was
missing, more craziness on Profan, a new Vertical Form record, and a
bunch of pounding good tech that I will have to unpack today to
remember..  Keep in mind that I am an American and this stuff was coming

in at 60% off what I was normally used to paying.  The owners were
extremely friendly and when I put a few records back because they had
scratches on them I was about to learn upon checkout that every record
on the floor is a store copy, for listen!  So they replaced ALL of the
records I brought up to them with new ones!!  Nice touch, guys,
props!!!  When we left the store we turned the corner and soon
discovered what we were to refer upon heretofore as "c0ck rock alley".
;]  Believe it, Iron Maiden and Ted Nugent are very alive and kicking in

this city, scary.  Also the restaurants are usually playing cheesy
American pop from the 80s.  We took the vinyl back to the hotel and went

for a walk in the Barri Gotic and happened upon the Fon Fon, a
medium-sized club/bar with a good layout for sitting and talking and
dancing equally.  The barback here was doing DJ duty and even though he
was playing a really good house tape when we offered to help he was
glad.  Back to the hotel to get our records we had just bought (our only

records), back to the club, met some nice girls from Germany who were
learning the language and staying in the city for a couple months,
rocked it, came back and went to bed in superstar style.

The next morning we knew we had to book another hotel room so it was
back to the Placa Catalunya’s downstairs and a line of about 20 and a
digital sign saying no rooms in Barcelona tonight.  I’m not sure what
that meant because everyone ahead of us was coming off with a room in
some way or another.  I was still nervous.  But we left with a room at
the marble-rich Hotel Prisma just a mile or so away from the city
center, it could have been a lot worse, I was thinking we would have to
take a Eurail to France.  ;}  We had to book separate rooms but the
interesting thing about that was one of the rooms was barely bigger than

the bed in it.  It was still nice, and even had a TV, bathroom/shower,
minibar, phone, and all the fixins in it unbelieveably.  We were in the
general area of #1 head shop La Casa Discs, according to Rotator Locator

and Mapquest, but we could not find it at all.  :(  We got an
interesting tour on foot of some of the less busy streets in the city,
however.  ;)  Don’t count on Mapquest every time.  This store was in a
completely different section of town.  How could we complain, though?
We were doing exactly what we wanted to be doing, seeing exactly what we

wanted to be seeing, in the city we wanted to be in.  We decided to go
to the beach but made a really dumb move and got lost doing that also.
Same story, but we got to check out a few parks and got our bearings in
another clever way.  The position of the sun kept screwing us up the
first two days.  We got used to getting the feeling for where we were by

the fact that we were walking either downhill or up, because all the
North and South streets point toward the beach.  Yes I have heard of a
map.  We ate dinner somewhere again, man were our feet tired, freshened
up in the hotel and went to see the Stockhausen show.  We were sitting
in the 25th row approximately and there was a large mixer and some
digital 4-tracks and such, in the middle of the audience, and a few
minutes later, he came down the aisle and sat down right in front of it
all.  I couldn’t believe he was right there.  People started looking and

coming around to chat and when I saw an opening, thank goodness we were
there early, I introduced myself to the man, had him sign my ticket, and

he said something like I hope you didn’t just come from Detroit to see
me and I returned to a seat in the wrong row and didn’t have my head
stopped spinning until Tom called my name and told me where he was.  I
could not believe whose hand I had just shook.  Anyway, Greg Earle came
in later with his Miami girlfriend and also another friend of his, Tom,
from LA.  I saw him and the posse started growing from there.  All of us

didn’t know what to expect from the show and I still don’t know what to
expect now, if that makes any sense.  For the first half we stayed in
our seats and watched a single spotlight on the high center of the
theater’s stage and heard a collaboration of marches, esoteric loops of
his own voice, and radio static.  I was always looking for layers deeper

than there actually were, I think?  He performed Hymnen.  There was an
intermission and the most smoke-filled gallery I will hopefully ever be
in and the place was maybe half full after that.  More of the same.
Maybe it was the same.  I can’t say I was disappointed because it took
me somewhere but I still don’t know exactly the place.  I think the
experience of the event, in the ornate Gaudi-inspired space like
Detroit’s Fox could have looked 300 years ago, established the meaning
of the festival to come well.  I should also mention that he introduced
himself at the beginning of the show and described the piece, and then
walked back up to the stage and took a bow at the very end.  I started
taking a lot of pictures at this point.  I got some good aerial shots
from the upper balcony for his ovation.  After the show we met someone
named Jim, also from LA, who is pioneering a netcast site
and we were all on our way to Club Moog after sangria on La Rambla.
Three house DJs from Norway.  Completely [EMAIL PROTECTED] amazing.  The vibe in
this place was hot, like hotter than I’ve seen at some of Derrick May’s
shows, and the place was sweating, jumping, and loving it all.  We never

made it back to this club but they hosted an Ultraschall night and are
booking a lot of high profile names in the future.  Sound system is
amazing and there is a smaller second room upstairs.  We were getting
our first taste of exactly how Barcelona likes to party at Club Moog.
Pacou was playing there the next night but we were going to be at the
big festival.  The party stopped at about 4:30AM and the group parted
ways after many pictures and hugs and went to our respective rooms.

Guess what had to happen that morning, yes, we need a new hotel.  But
before 11:00 check-out T Linder saves the day and gets us a double room
in the same place.  Score.  Sleep.  And we did until about 5.  ;>

Thursday sh!t was about getting big.  If you have the schedule in front
of you you can see that we were already missing some of the acts but
nobody we really knew anything about, anyway.  We saw Richie Hawtin
before we saw anybody, right at the gate, he had just gotten in the
country.  A surprised look and some talk and we walked in.  The layout
was awesome.  The girls of sonar <see the website> were alive and for
real and letting you take their picture with them, MTV Spain had a
corner set up, drinks were flowing, classic architecture was in the mix
with nature, and sweet beats were abound.  The one artist I remember
distinctly seeing was Genesis P Orridge playing with the Narobi Trio in
the Macba.  I hope the nude woman center stage didn’t mind her picture
taken.  The first day was just a warmup.   I believe we were also
introduced to our "Spanish Connection" Mr. Juanjo Ramirez by Greg this
day, among very many many locals.  We got dinner and that night we met
David "Babydiddy" Hampson from Northampton, UK, Dan Butler from UK, Nick

Craddock and his posse of people, some people from Scotland, and many
many many more locals.  Stupid pictures will be posted.  ;)  I posted
the next day from the CCCB about our highlight that night--the Disko B
tent--and I will post again.  This was consistently the most engaging
place to be for the whole first night hands down.  Didn’t get to see
Gilles Peterson and I don’t think anybody here wants to hear about David

Morales, but Funkstorung and Stereo MCs were ok.  Only caught a little
bit of A Guy Called Gerald because Disko B crew was just too good to
give away.  Death in Vegas were nothing special as well as Super
Collider, the latter being really disappointing for me being a Cristian
Vogel whore from Mosquito 001.  ..They were just, too, bland.  Boring.
They tried spicing it up with some spray paint and flamework antics but
it just wasn’t working for myself.  I was waiting to hear Darn Cold Way
of Lovin, too, and it didn’t happen.  Well it was better than the hip
hop at the SonarPub I guess.  ;>  The first night was just a warmup,
also.  We took the discobus provided by the Sonar crew to a central spot

and cab to our hotel the rest of the way.

T Linder pulls some sh!t together again.  He went down and smoothtalked
the desk into giving us another double room downstairs to have for the
rest of the time we were in Barcelona.  Smooth.  Peace of mind on the
hotel front after all.  Thanks Tom.  We could even hit the continental
breakfast usually because we were rolling in like raverz at about 6 or 7 least that night..

Oh yeah I also bought some music early that previous day from one of the

record distributor tents.  A Seefeel album on Warp I was missing, a
Boards of Canada rarity I didn't have, and a new Dynamic Tension record.

Friday we knew this sh!t was kicking in high.  Tom wanted to get there
earlier than me so he bolted out but I was right behind him by a couple
of hours and we met at the CCCB at around 4:45.  And I had just missed
Dynamo which had [EMAIL PROTECTED] sucked because I was looking forward to that
but I heard I didn’t miss anything great.  Donno?  Anyway I got some
beers 4 breakfast and did some email while Burnt Friedman was playing
and Pole was setting up.  Pole ended up playing rastadub records which
was cool but unexpected by me!  Kit Clayton was all weird and every act
that finished out the daytime slots in all four venues, was on like
mastadon.  Missed Speedy J.  Merzbow changed my life:  My entire body
was feeling it.  Funny to watch the ‘dancing’ in the front row, along
with his finger on the mouse, and completely enthralling to hear it all
in such a glorious place.  Masami Akita you da man.  This day Tom and I
also met Bart Wolff [NL] at different times after a couple rumored
nearmisses.  Still didn’t see Ville or Filo yet.  Jamie Hodge where were

you?  :-)  And I _know_ Alfonso Rodriguez was running around somewhere
but we never did meet up.  ;/  That night was the beginnings of
something big.  Autechre were playing some oldies and Richie was about
ready to go on, after Chicks on Speed.  Richie killed it, with the 909
trix and table art from beyond.  People were cheering.  I was in the
front row with David for the whole thing and it was hot as hell but we
were dancing fools.  Up there on the stage he was giving a techno
sermon.  Every time we talked to people from Spain and told them we were

from Detroit a look of shock and wonder filled faces.  Questions and
curiosities abound.  Usually 1 out of 4 partiers spoke useable English
so it was good we understood a little bit of Catalan, especially..
..Crowd was perfect.  This wasn’t like a DEMF where there was
generations spanning but it did seem like there was a flavor there, with

old kids and new.  Dancing.  Ratio kept up the pace after Rich of course

and the vibe was so good I had to miss Acquaviva but I’ll see him
again.  People were saying good things with very big grins.  I heard Tim

Baker did good, too, and Tim it was nice to meet you that afternoon and
I hope you kicked it at Florida 135 too but I never got to see you play,

man.  Hopefully you’ll play in Detroit more!!  Tim was on the cover of a

DJ culture magazine there.  There was also posters around town for Blake

Baxter and Umek coming this weekend I think and they were promoting that

*heavily*.  This Reinhard Voigt CD is good too and it’s about to get its

second spin here.

Saturday was the icing on the cake that mom made for my birthday and
Christmas and mixed them all together.  Since I was wandering about the
commercial tents spending gobs of money on records most of the afternoon

I didn’t get to see a lot of the sounds live but I heard them afar.  I
made a point to see Herbert, though, and up close.  Anybody who has seen

them will agree with me and say the whole gig is easy on the eyes and on

the ears.  Dani Siciliano live on vox and Matthew + ? playing live keys
and later Matt doing solo live on the Evian empties, handkerchiefs, and
other garbage he was sampling through three different microphones.  More

soul than a Cass kitchen.  It was dope.  The thing I love most about
electronic instruments is how they can capture found sound and turn it
into something you create.  Man the funk was real in this.  I’d venture
to say that he was even better than Artist Unknown, which were
practically my favorite group of the entire event, but I’ll get to
details on that.  Thank God I got to see this because there was so many
people around and I missed V/VM and Coil because I wasn’t patient
enuff.  People started waiting four hours before the show started to see

Coil.  I guess those people deserved to see them more.  I saw the
<insert staledorkydreampop>Gentle People<takeout staledorkydreampop>
live but was it live?  All I saw was a bunch of lame mismatched
choreographs and stupid costumes.  Memorex performance I am sure because

there were no instruments in sight.  Only a big projector screen with
some cheesy brit tv sh!t.  Euro trash!  Forgot to mention Friday the
line to get in at night was enormous.  And the crowd Thursday was nearly

capacity by darkness end.  So Saturday night we made it our point to get

there megaearly.  Don’t eat dinner on La Rambla if you’re in a hurry.
Friday we ended up taking a cab and paying a jacked up rate just to get
there at 1.  Saturday we did the same but it didn’t cost as much because

we were there earlier and the demand was considerably lower, but still
pretty busy.  I remember dancing to the two guys from Future Talk who
started the drum and bass, I never saw Middleton, and I remember
Cristian Vogel but after that and after I heard Richie was on because
both Luke Slater and Slam couldn’t make it, I don’t remember anything
but having tattooed a permanent smile since about 3AM on 6/18.  Where
Spain beats Detroit (and our crew will have pictures to prove this) is
that 7-9000 or more screaming people were insanely dancing their @sses
off to hard as fukkin sin techno until way after the sun was up.  I said

to Greg, "...only in Europe..." and he agreed.  Hawtin had them in his
palm and so did Carl Cox and then Oliver Ho just took it home.  These
guys together were like the three wisemen of techno and it just worked
so well.  The beats were on and the pace was perfect because I could
not stop bobbing my head even when I was sitting down catching my breath

and resting my legs.  All I have to say is Oliver Ho, Oliver Ho, Oliver
Ho.  His last two tracks were Elevation II and Stardancer.

After another day of relaxing in town and passing the bullfighting arena

to go to the famous Cathedral and witnessing a service then we just felt

like we had achieved it all.  Everything is such a blur that’s why I am
writing this now.  We also saw the Picasso Museum as well as many local
watering holes and dwellings new and old along the way.  And the people
of Barcelona were comparable to next to none in their hospitality and
demeanor.  Filo, my girl, I am so sorry I lost you on Saturday in all
the hustle but we will meet you again and we do have a photo.  Ville my
buddy I wish I could have talked to you a little bit longer but we will
meet again in August in your country.  Juanjo boy I would’ve liked to
have talked to you more, too, but you are a scenester of the highest
order and I can’t even keep up!  ;]  Sacha, Abe, the Plug Research guys,

and John Acqu. I know you were there and tore it up in your own ways and

I was there in complete spirit.  Meighen and Ish I wish you guys could
have come along REALLY and I hope this letter brought the event closer
to your proverbial hearts.  Anybody who is in the area and wants to hear

more about the event come to Forans tonight I promise I’ll play my new

Top 5 trip highlights in no order:
Artist Unknown in their white suits and white masks freaking on the
and acoustic guitar; Original moves and funny as fuk.
Herbert and Pole in the Sonar Village
Almost falling asleep on the crystal shores of the nighttime venue at
Richie both nites, Carl Cox, and Oliver Ho
Oliver Ho, Oliver Ho, and Oliver Ho

Sorry if any or all of this stuff has been crossposted or mentioned
earlier.  Something is messed up in my email and I haven’t been able to
download anything that was sent to me last week but it will be fixed

Thanks everyone.
I had an unforgettable time,

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