A little off topic.....but I think this might interest some people on this 

Terminal is about death and the question if and how we really experience and 
live our lives to the full. Death poses many questions, most of which remain 
Still, dealing with death can be valuable. 

Realisation and acceptance of the radical ending of our life can lead to an 
enormous realisation of freedom. The more we are capable of facing our death, 
the bigger our inner freedom will be. 

A person prepared to die is a true free spirit..

With Terminal Het Witte Vuur brings theatre as a real-life video. 
A hallucinating range of theatre, film, and text will be brought in conjunction 
with a concert of Acid Junkies' leading man Stefan Robbers. 
With Terminal Het Witte Vuur wants to present the audience with a complete 
experience, stimulating all senses and presenting interaction between music, 
text, and images live.  
A new form of theatre which aims at a pop-, techno- and theatre audience. 

In Terminal five passengers on route to Toronto are followed. In the middle of 
the night their plane makes an unexpected stop, forcing them to stay in an 
airport terminal. 
During the play it becomes clear that the passengers, without realising it, are 
victims of a plane-crash in which everybody got killed. 
In the twilight between life and death they see their realities fall apart in a 
surreal way. 

In Terminal the audience as well as the players are at an airport terminal. 
In this total environment the audience will be surrounded by air hostesses, 
luggage carts, and monitors showing flight-data. With light and surround-sound 
this total experience will be strengthened even further. 
For Terminal Stefan Robbers (Acid Junkies) will compose new music.  
Every concert-performance will end in a sparkling techno-party. 

Terminal is partly realised by funding from het Fonds voor de Podiumkunsten 
(Fund for Staged Arts) and het LIRA fonds (LIRA Fund). 


With Eye Popper Party and Moving Networks Het Witte Vuur has been pioneering 
the last two years by flinging itself in the sparkling energy of dance-parties, 
thus realising daring and unconventional projects.  

During the making of Moving Networks it was necessary to let go of the most 
imperative theatrical convention - the law of keeping the full attention of the 
Moving Networks is a four hour zap-feast, where party and art come together 
without any problems - a total package of dance, party, going out and theatre, 
dance and film. 

In our view of theatre-making, we are significantly inspired by the actual 
developments in the pop- and dance-music. 
Dance-music has been renewing for years - not only in musically, but also in 
its search for connections with other appealing cultural utterances such as 
video-art, dance, fashion, life-style, and performance. Dance as cultural 
phenomenon is fed considerably by the need of the young audience itself and has 
therefore a tangent plane with society: constantly it is able to reach out to a 
large, young audience in a natural way. 

Thinking along these lines makes that the accepted ideas about the 
'centre-point' of theatre-experience are being discussed. When watching MTV it 
takes a long time before you realise what is more important: the music, the 
artist's looks, or the video. 
The 'package' is just as important or maybe even more so than what you have to 
offer, without affecting the artistic quality.  
In the case of Moving Networks the dance-party is the well-known 'package' for 
the youth in which we want to seek their attention for modern theatre.  

>From experience, we have found the idea to visit a new audience on their own 
>territory very successful. 
Moving Networks is very well received by theatre-programmers, press, and the 
audience, and is very successful with a young audience, having an average of 
800 visitors. 
All in all, one could say that the path Het Witte Vuur has chosen has proven to 
be very successful. Both artistically and organisationally we can now reap what 
we have sown for many years.  

Stefan Robbers 

Stefan Robbers is a giant in the international dance-world with his Acid 
Junkies. He stands out because of the versatility in his music. This varies 
from hard acid/techno to intelligent and quietening ambient. 
Acid Junkies are renowned worldwide for their energetic live-act. With their 
renewing acid they enjoy a big and young audience.  
Robbers is also producer and owner of the innovative Eevo Lute-dance-label. 

Temporary playlist Terminal: 
August 16-20 2000 Armada Nijmegen
September 2 2000 Effenaar Eindhoven
September 30 2000 ChasseTheater Breda
October 15 2000 Schouwburg Arnhem
October 20 2000 Schouwburg Utrecht
October 27 2000 Doornroosje Nijmegen

Het Witte Vuur: Postbus 31143, 6503 CC Nijmegen, Nederland. Tel/Fax: 
Homepage: www.hetwittevuur.demon.nl 


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