Josh Hill got the needle right in the groove, the laser right on the track, the
tape right on the head, whatever, when he said this:

"Perhaps that correlates to the environments."

Music that you hear, everywhere, is a direct influence of the artist's
environment.  At least musically good stuff, in my opinion..
Of course *good* is very subjective but people who live in the D make the _best_
motorcitygroove.  They define the genre, for better or for worse in some cases.

If you don't dig some of the 'best' Swedish techno, then you probably won't dig
the vibe in the Sweden underground at all, because that is what is going on 

If you don't dig the Detroit vibe, then you're going to have a crappy time

I happen to like alot of styles of music that people diss on this list, and I
have lived in the Detroit area all my life.  I usually keep quiet about it,
because people on this list are here for learning about Detroit techno.  The 
that I happen to like different styles of music encourages me to travel to the
source of that inspiration and learn.  But that is just me?


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