While it's true they travel with the same records frequently, I still am unable to figure out why Derrick May played the same records...within 5 days...IN DETROIT...about a month ago (@ Motor & Temple). (only ONE example follows..)-he started out with "The Conversation" by Lil Louis, & then right into "French Kiss" BOTH times (except @ Temple it was interrupted by Thomas Barnett's spitting problem)...(ahem). Anyhoo, he must have thought nobody would have been there to see him BOTH times (felt like deja-vu).
His agent really needs to schedule him time to stop @ home....


too much rigidity and analysis right there! if you don't have da funk, you
don't have the funk. period. havin' da funk means you can transcend ANY
musical category / genre, and adapt to ANY situation, without need for
practice, nor analysis. when you guyz complain about millz / may et al, you
must realize that they usually travel wit the same 2 boxes: they ain't doin'
no "sultan of brunei - let's test out theze mothas' baggage handling
systemz". imagine, if they could take a container of records with
them......[ and, if derrick could take hiz entire wardrobe], tha serious
damage these brothaz would do! too much analysis killz any other skillz you
may possess - you gotta FEEL!......... the same deal applies to sex. out.

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